Ullastret 250BC Virtual heritage

Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good .

Ullastret 250BC Virtual heritage
by Albert Burzon

  • Awarded April 15, 2017
  • CLIENT: Mac Ullastret, Obra Social "la Caixa" and Generalitat de Catalunya
  • 17.355
The Iberian settlement of the Ullastret (Baix Empordà) is considered to be the largest Iberian town from that period in Catalonia. The 3D Ullastret project is characterised by the scientific rigor of its archaeological aspect and by the optimal realism of its visual presentation. Now thanks to the new technologies and the virtual reality and the immersive room of the museum, the audience can walk through the streets and inside the houses. This installation transports the user to 250 BC in a totally immersive and interactive way.

The Iberian settlement of the Ullastret (Baix Empordà) is considered to be the largest Iberian town from that period in Catalonia. The 3D Ullastret project is characterised by the scientific rigor of its archaeological aspect and by the optimal realism of its visual presentation. Now thanks to the new technologies and the virtual reality and the immersive room of the museum, the audience can walk through the streets and inside the houses. This installation transports the user to 250 BC in a totally immersive and interactive way.

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Ullastret 250BC Virtual heritage

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Ullastret 250BC Virtual heritage

Ullastret 250BC Virtual heritage

Albert Burzon

Designer of Ullastret 250BC Virtual heritage

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